For trailer manufacturers, there are unique responsibilities and challenges that distract from building quality trailers. One of those challenges is calculating the vehicle identification number (VIN) with respect to 49 CFR Part 565 and the resulting labeling and documentation that is required. Spending the time calculating VINs and completing labels is time spent not working on the business and its future.
Fortunately, this isn’t something that needs to be done from scratch. For more than 15 years, FedCert Suite (Dec-O-Art, Inc.) and Vineze (a division of PMCS, Inc.) have provided trusted solutions to guide trailer manufacturers through this VIN calculation process and resulting labeling of OEM trailers through the use of technology.
Both VIN deciphering software systems start with a simple one-time setup of WMI (World Manufacturer Identifier), plant information, trailer types, body types, lengths, and axles. Next, they guide the user to apply vehicle specific weight and tire attributes to the vehicle’s database record. The programs take this information and calculate the VIN and associated check-digit for the specific vehicle with the click of a mouse.
The alternative is calculating the VIN check-digit by hand. Manually calculating a VIN involves transliterating the alpha characters into numbers and applying the specific value-weights to the numerical value of each VIN position to determine the respective mathematical product of each position. Then one would have to add up the products of each position and finally divi
de by 11. This determines the remainder and consequently, the check-digit that is placed in position nine within the VIN. This newly created VIN must be used on any labeling and MSOs that are produced.
With this method, there is risk of doing the calculation, labels, and MCOs incorrectly. The monetary and time costs could be substantial and can range from a notice of defect to a full recall and/or fines. With VIN deciphering schemes like the ones Dec-O- Art and Vineze provide, the risk is mitigated because everything is generated by a computer.
Using these technologies, the VIN is created without any hassle on the user. Now it is time to create the required labels. Within either program, all the information is stored in the database to create all necessary labeling for federal certificates in accordance with 49 CFR Part 567, tire placards, and Certificates of Origin (MCO/MSO). Both FedCert Suite and Vineze provide label stock and MSOs that meet or exceed the Part 567 regulation.
With these technologies, creating VINs is simple and repeatable. Just build the vehicle, complete the vehicle attributes in the program, create the VIN, and print the labels/MCOs. No math. No spreadsheets. No stress. No time spent learning or relearning VIN calculations. It’s done the right way each time.
One additional overlooked benefit of the programs are their ability to record TINs (Tire
Identification Number). It’s easy to record the TIN within the programs and meet this additional
federal requirement with little extra input. The complete vehicle record is stored in one place.
Putting a price on the value and ease that VIN deciphering schemes provide manufacturers is difficult, but Dec-O-Art and Vineze have done it. For less than one dollar ($1) a day, these software programs mitigate significant risk and allow the focus to be solely on the business. Furthermore, these schemes address some of the most common questions new manufacturers ask, including how to calculate VINs and how to print the required labels and MSOs.
Focus the energy and effort that would have otherwise been used on VIN calculation back on the manufacturing and sales of the business and use this technology to solve this age-old annoyance. With a simple setup, a manufacturer is off and running with all of the labeling and documentation necessary for vehicle compliance. Build the trailers and leave the VIN creation to the computers. They’re there to do the repeatable tasks efficiently and effectively while manufacturers solve new challenges within the business.
More information on FedCert Suite is available at or by calling (800) 225-6879 and more information is available on Vineze at or by calling (888) 247-7627.